Why NFP?


Why should I use natural family planning?

There are countless reasons to use NFP! A few of them include:

  • Women become empowered when learning about their fertility, learning about their body, and understand their cycle.

  • It is 100% natural! No pills, no injections, no implants, no chemicals!

  • There is a lower rate of divorce among couples that use NFP compared to to those that use contraception.


  • Couples find a greater appreciation for intercourse and experience the “honeymoon phase” after periodic abstinence.

  • Many experience an increased spiritual well-being when allowing God to be involved in fertility plans.

  • NFP requires both the husband and wife to be involved in fertility monitoring, which results in a greater sense of communication and connection between couples.

  • There is more control of fertility, allowing couples to seamlessly change their minds between wanting to avoid pregnancy to trying to achieve pregnancy.