Does NFP actually work?

Yes! Proper use of Natural Family Planning has an efficacy rate of around 98%. That is just as good, if not better, than many contraceptives!


Will periodic abstinence cause strain on my relationship?

Although practicing periodic abstinence requires new found self control by both husband and wife, many couples have reported that they felt a closer connection to their husband or wife while practicing NFP! During periodic abstinence when avoiding pregnancy, couples will discover other ways to be intimate other than sexual intercourse. When the fertile time is over and couples can again connect on a physical level, they often experience the “honeymoon phase” all over again!

Do I need to be Catholic to practice NFP?

Absolutely not! NFP is meant for everyone. In 1968, Pope Paul VI wrote the papal encyclical called Humanae Vitae. This letter describes God’s beautiful plan for married love, responsible parenting, and clearly state’s the church’s stance on contraception, and reproductive technology. NFP methods follow the teaching of the Catholic church, but it is not a requirement that you, as a client, are Catholic!



Can I still use NFP if I have irregular periods?

Yes! Women with irregular periods, endometriosis, PCOS, pre-menopause, and infertility are encouraged to practice NFP. Many times women will learn more about their conditions through NFP and will be able to combat them once they have a better understanding of their cycle and any lifestyle changes they may need to make.

I just had a baby and am breastfeeding. Will NFP work for me?

Definitely! I will be instructing you how to use the Marquette Method to practice NFP. This method has special protocols for breastfeeding/postpartum mothers. We’ve got you covered!

Any other questions?

Feel free contact me through the contact tab up above.